Category: Area Rug Info
What do you think of this Persian Senneh Saddle Cover?
Saddle covers can have holes or slits for the pommel and cantle. Their shapes may vary depending on the tribe or ethnic origins.
Every rug needs a rug pad
Why? Believe it or not, a pad extends the life of your rug by preventing the fibers from being crushed. The pad acts as a type of buffer between the hard surface below and the rug above.
Browning and Discoloration Due to Age and Humidity in Oriental Area Rugs
Browning is a yellow, brown or red discoloration due to degradation of cellulose in the presence of moisture. Cellulose is a material derived from plants that oxidizes or degrades with age producing a natural dye that causes this discoloration called “browning.” An excellent example of cellulosic browning is the yellow discoloration that occurs in a […]
Animal Stains and Odors
Pet accidents, such as urine, feces and vomit, are the most common stains found on rugs. These stains are generally permanent as the face yarns are discolored almost instantly. This is especially true on natural fibers after just a few minutes of exposure. Not only does animal urine discolor rug face yarns, it can also […]
Antique & Fragile Textiles Get Our Special Care & Repair!
Oriental Rug Cleaning Co. cleans different types of fragile textiles such as this 100+ year old horsehair carriage blanket. These blankets have their origins in New England and were used as throws in their sleighs and carriages.
Learn More About Abrash & Variegated Yarns in Handmade Rugs.
Abrash is color change in the face yarns of a rug due to differences in wool, dye lots or mordants used in the dying process. The color change occurs across the width of the rug, left to right, parallel to a weft yarn. Close observation at the back clearly shows the color change along a […]